Sorry but I am having technical issues at the moment which is preventing me from posting.
Missing countryside food and garden waste in Shaw and Crompton 1 June 2018
I have been informed that the Council’s smaller Food and Garden countryside vehicle suffered a major breakdown this morning.
Therefore the majority of today’s work is still outstanding.
Residents on this round please be advised that they say they will be back out to collect tomorrow (Saturday).
Metrolink zone proposal will cost Oldhamers and those from Shaw and Crompton more!
The Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, has urged caution re the recent announcement by the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham that he intends to introduce a zonal charging policy on the Metrolink tram system from next year.
The Greater Manchester tram network will be split into four zones, with passengers charged one fare for travel within a single zone and a different fare for travelling across one or more zones. Shaw and Crompton is in Zone 4, whilst all of the remaining stations in the Borough will be in Zone 3. Derker is on the boundary.
“This is just barmy,” stated Councillor Sykes. “Common sense says that Shaw and Crompton should be in the same zone as the rest of the Oldham Borough.”
Councillor Sykes who represents Oldham on the Transport for Greater Manchester Committee (TfGMC) said: “I think we can all welcome in principle a simpler fare structure, but the devil will be in the final detail.”
“At present there are some 8,556 stop-to-stop fares; the promise is to reduce this to just 10. This will bring Metrolink in line with the practices of the London Underground, and the practices that we, the Liberal Democrats, have been calling for TfGMC to implement or many months and years.”
Councillor Sykes added: “We face a whopping 19% fare increase over three years despite the tram network being in massive profit and also failing to collect significant cash from those who choose to avoid paying.”
“It is unclear whether these proposals will reduce any of these costs, and it will be disappointing if they do not, as a huge fare increase by a fifth will be a tremendous extra financial burden for many local passengers.”
“Prediction is that these changes will be used to mask that massive 19% fare increase.”
“The Mayor says that passengers enjoy ‘journey quality’ when we have seen an increase in anti-social and criminal behaviour, including several vicious attacks at tram stops, and poor operational performance on the Oldham line,” stated Councillor Sykes. These are the issues that need addressing first, along with our promised direct link to Piccadilly, the principal mainline station for Greater Manchester.”
Councillor Sykes is particularly concerned about the impact on his own constituents in Shaw: “Shaw and Crompton will be placed in Zone 4 when the other stops in the Borough will be in Zone 3.”Mertrolink Fare Zone
“This will mean that residents in Shaw and Crompton will pay significantly more than those in the rest of Oldham Borough to travel into Manchester or to travel into Oldham town centre for leisure or to work. It will be cheaper to go to Rochdale than Oldham. It will also cost the hundreds of people who use it to travel to work in Shaw more as well!”
Councillor Sykes is disappointed by the lack of consultation with councillors before the plan was unveiled: “Like the general public, I only saw these proposals when they were published. It is disappointing that the Mayor of Greater Manchester did not trouble himself to first consult the councillors who represent the ten districts in the conurbation on the TfGM Committee; even though they are charged with oversight of Metrolink matters.
This is typical of the increasingly top down approach from the Labour Mayor rather than bottom up. I am only glad that at least there will be some public consultation, and I urge everyone who has an opinion to voice theirs.”
Liberal Democrat Shadow Cabinet appointed
At the Council meeting on Wednesday 21 May 2018, the Liberal Democrat Shadow Cabinet appointments were agreed.
Councillor Howard Sykes, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Opposition said: “I am looking forward to once more leading the opposition team on Oldham Council. The Council will have a new Labour Leader and a reshuffled administration.”
“Voters can rest assured that the Oldham Liberal Democrats will remain constant in opposing waste and inefficiency and in always speaking up for fair treatment for our citizens and for value-for-money and common sense,” he added. “As ever, the Liberal Democrats remain the only party holding Labour to account on Oldham Council, and we shall continue to take that responsibility seriously.”
“I am really pleased to have been appointed Shadow Cabinet member for Policing, Community Safety and Housing” said Crompton Councillor Diane Williamson.
Shadow Cabinet Members:
Name of Councillor | Portfolio |
Howard Sykes MBE | Economy and Enterprise (Opposition Leader) |
Hazel Gloster | Education and Culture |
Julia Turner | Children’s Services |
Garth Harkness | Employment and Skills |
Derek Heffernan | Health and Social Care |
Dave Murphy | Neighbourhood Services |
Diane Williamson | Policing and Community Safety |
Diane Williamson | Housing |
Chris Gloster | Finance and Corporate Resources (Opposition Deputy Leader) |
Official Spokespersons / Lead Members on Boards and Committees:
Name of Councillor | Board / Committee |
Howard Sykes MBE | Transport for Greater Manchester Committee |
Chris Gloster | Audit Committee |
Diane Williamson | Overview and Scrutiny Board |
Garth Harkness | Performance and Value for Money Committee |
Hazel Gloster | Planning Committee |
Chris Gloster | Licensing Committee |
Diane Williamson | Standards Committee |
Howard Sykes MBE | Health and Well-being Board |
Dave Murphy | Petitions and Traffic Regulation Orders |
Howard Sykes MBE | Commons Registration |
Howard Sykes MBE | Selection |
Hazel Gloster | GM Scrutiny Pool |
District Executives:
Name of Councillor | District Executive |
Diane Williamson | Chair, Shaw and Crompton |
Garth Harkness | Official Spokesperson, Saddleworth and Lees |
Carriageway Resurfacing Work of Big Lamp Roundabout
Carriageway improvement works that will be taking place on The Big Lamp Roundabout, Shaw. The works will be starting on Monday 11 June for a period of 5 evenings / nights, ending on Friday 15 June 2018.
The works are to be carried out between the hours of 1900 – 0200. To enable us to safely carry out the resurfacing works both temporary traffic lights and a road closure will be necessary, with a signed diversion will be in place for the duration of the works.
Click on the links below for the plans.
Holy Trinity Blessing on Sunday 27 May 2018
On Sunday 27 May, I joined my colleagues from Shaw and Crompton at Holy Trinity Church in Shaw for the blessing of the Lychgate, wall and railings. It was an extremely lovely service with the Bishop of Middleton in attendance, the May Queen with her entourage, as well as the Girls Brigade.
I want to thank everyone at Holy Trinity for the warm welcome and giving me the privilege of cutting the ribbon.
After the blessing we all went into the church hall for a lovely luncheon and Bishop Mark kindly gave me his “hat”. I felt very blessed.
Half Term Activities in High Crompton Park
Waste Collection Issues near High Crompton Park
Boroughwide Roadworks Bulletin w/c Monday 28 May 2018
I’ve been off-line for the last couple of years, mainly due to ill health. However, I’m now going to start putting items of community interest on here, which feed into my Facebook Page as well.